lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

Manualidades del frío invierno

Mañana empieza diciembre y, con él, el frío. No sé vosotros, pero yo, al llegar esta época del año, me apetece hacer manualidades con  muñecos de nieve y temática navideña (pero esta última la dejaremos para más adelante). Así que os dejo este post con tres ideas que podéis hacer vosotr@s mism@s o ¡con los más pequeños de la casa!. 

 1 Para la primera manualidad necesitaremos:

  • dos platos de plástico
  • folios
  • pinturas
  • rotulador permanente negro
  • tijeras
  • pegamento o cola y pincel
  • punzón
  • 1 encuadernador
  • un trocito de cuerda de unos 10cm.

Primero dibujamos en el folio el gorro, la bufanda, los guantes, los botones, los ojos y la nariz. Loscoloreamos y recortamos. Una vez recortados se repasan todos con el rotulador permanente y se apartan a un lado. Tomamos los dos platos y, con ayuda del punzón, los hacemos un agujero a cada uno en un extremo. Al plato que vaya a hacer de cabeza del muñeco, le hacemos un agujero adicional justo en el extremo opuesto del que hicimos el primer agujero y pasamos por este la cuerda, anudándola para que nos sirva de colgador. Hacemos coincidir los agujeros restantes y pasamos el encuadernador cerrándolo para unir los platos

Una vez hecho esto, sólo queda pegar ojos, nariz, y demás accesorios que hicimos en pape, y dibujar, con rotulador permanente, los últimos detalles como pestañas, una boca graciosa, etc. y estará listo para colgar.

Este muñeco de nieve es muy simple de hacer, divertido y admite tantos cambios como quieras. Puedes hacerlo sencillo con niños o dibujar sofisticados sombreros y ojos para darle personalidad o, incluso, ¡ponerle abrigo!  Así quedan colgados:

La segunda idea que os traigo es reciclada. Para ella necesitamos:

  • 1 rollo vacío de papel higiénico
  • 1 tapón de plástico (de igual o mayor diámetro que el rollo de papel)
  • plastilina negra
  • un trocito de plastilina naranja
  • un trozo de lana, cuerda o similiar (40 cm.aprox.)
  • tempera blanca
  • pincel
  • cola
  • rotulador negro permanente

Lo primero que tenemos que hacer es pintar de blanco el rollo de papel y dejar que se seque, Mientras, podemos ir haciendo un cono con la plastilina naranja y cubriendo el tapón con plastilina negra, al que añadiremos un "churro" de plastilina al rededor para que parezca el ala del sombrero. Una vez acabado el gorro, le damos cola con el pincel para que de fije bien y dejaremos secar. Cuando ya esté seco el rollo de papel, Dibujamos ojos, boca y botones (dejando espacio suficiente para luego colocar sombrero, nariz y bufanda) con el rotulador. Ponemos cola al rededor del muñeco entre la boca y los botones y pegamos la lana en esa zona enroscándola al rollo de papel. También damos cola en la parte superior para adherir el gorro y, por último, ponemos un pegote pequeño entre los ojos y la boca para colocar la nariz. Con la nariz conviene colocarla suavemente y sujetarla unos segundos hasta que la cola agarre.

Si quieres, con un palillo puedes hacer rayas en la nariz para que se asemeje más a la típica zanahoria. También puedes utilizar un color diferente de plastilina para poner una franja de color al sombrero.

3 Y, por último, os dejo una idea para ir preparando las felicitaciones de Navidad de los más pequeños. Con u poco de ayuda, nuestros niñ@s podrán hacer esta bonita felicitación navideña. Para ello necesitamos:

  • cartulina de un color llamativo
  • rotulador permanente negro
  • pintura blanca
  • una patata
  • cuchillo
  • 1 gomet cuadrado
  • 3 gomets de estrella
  • 1 gomet triángulo
  • 1 gomet rectángulo

Empezamos cortando la patata en dos trozos de forma que ambas partes tengan diámetros diferentes. Untamos los dos trozos de patata con pintura blanca y los plasmamos en la cartulina de forma que queden en vertical como se ve en la foto. Una vez que esté seco, colocamos los gomets: el cuadrado en la cabeza, el triángulo en el centro de la cara, el rectángulo entre los dos círculos y las estrellas en el cuerpo. Por último, con el rotulador permanente, dibujamos unas líneas para dar forma al gorro, ojos, boca ¡y escoba!

Espero que os haya gustado este post y que dejéis algún comentario, sobretodo, si ponéis en práctica alguna de las ideas. ¡Feliz diciembre!




Level 2

Main characters: Tayler, Anne, Daniel and Grace.
Secondary characters: Lewis, baker, barber, carpenter and sheep keeper.

Tayler got bad marks at the end of 3rd Grade at school. So he expects to spend the worst summer in his life staying with his uncle, Lewis, but everything changes since he meet Anne, Daniel and Grace. They find a message inside a bottle by the seaside which talks about a treasure hidden somewhere around Allariz. The message said it happened 30 years ago, that a man from the village won the lottery and suddenly disappeared without saying a word.
The four children start guessing about that man by asking different inhabitants of the village. They talk to the baker, to the barber, to the carpenter and to the Mayor. All of them give useful information about the man what get them closer to the treasure.
Finally they talk to the sheep keeper and they notice that he was the disappeared man and the money he won is being donated to the village little by little. The man rewards the children by showing them a place to meet every day in summer: a cave behind Allariz waterfall.

Taylor: He is a 9 years old boy from Madrid. He expects to waste is summer in helping his uncle.
Anne: She is a 9 years old girl from Allariz, the small gallician village. She doesn't like living at the village during the school year because it is boring so she is always willing to summer time to share with her friends.
Daniel: He is a 10 years old boy from Caceres. He always spends  summer at Allariz where he has lots of fun every year with Grace, Anne and other children.
Grace: She is a 7 years old girl from Madrid. She is Taylor's sister and she is excited about spending the summer at Allariz. She is sure they are going to live lots of adventure there.
Lewis: He is Taylor and Grace's uncle. He hasn't got married so he lives alone in a big house at Allariz. He is happy because his nephew and niece are staying with him.
Linda (Baker): She is Anne's mum. She tries to help the children by telling them what he remembers about the treasure's legend.
Barber: He is a 50 years old man. He shows a notable rejection to talk about Eric. They were good friends one day years ago.
Carpenter: He is a 70 years old man. He doesn't remember Eric as a selfish person, but he was very surprised about his vanishing.
Tom (Mayor): He is a 40 years old man. He is always very busy.
Sheep Keeper (Eric):  He is a 50 years old man who won the lottery 30 years ago and that was the worst thing that could have happened to him because everybody wanted his money.

Scene 1:
At the bus stop: Tayler arrives at Allariz expecting nothing good from his summer holidays. His uncle Lewis is waiting for him and his sister, Grace when they get there and he introduces them to Anna and Daniel. They agree go to the beach that afternoon to show them how beautiful it is.
Scene 2:
At the beach: And there is where they find a bottle with a message inside talking about a hidden treasure. The message said, it happened 30 years ago, that a man from the village won the lottery and suddenly disappeared without saying a word. They have to go home, but they arrange to meet the next day at the village square to start the search.
Scene 3:
At the village: As. The four children talking to Linda, the baker, who is Anne's mum and she remembers the man, Eric, who was always playing with the children in the village. Then they talk to the barber who shows a notable rejection to talk about Eric, but he tells them that, as soon as they knew about the lottery price, he disappeared with all his money being selfish. Then, they talk to the carpenter who doesn't remember Eric as a selfish person, but he was very surprised about his vanishing. And finally, they go to the village hall to talk to the Mayor, Tom, who is extremely nervous because he has just received an anonymous donation and he doesn't know what to do with all that money received during the past years. They suggest to talk to the sheep keeper but the Mayor dissuade them because that man arrived at the village after Eric disappearance.
Scene 4:
At the beach: The next day, the four children meet to review all the information and they see the sheep keeper with his flock of sheep. The old man ask them why they are asking about Eric, the millionaire. They explain everything to the sheep keeper and he says he know Eric wasn't a selfish person, that he was donating his fortune little by little. The children want to ask more, but the old man leaves towards the hill.
As soon as the man leaves, Grace find it interesting that the sheep keeper and the millionaire had lived together before he came to Allariz, as he knows the man. Now they all notice that it was not possible as the Mayor said the sheep keeper came to the village after Eric's disappearance.
Scene 5:

They run to the hill charging him for being Eric in secret. He explains that he was Eric, but he doesn't want to be that man no more. He didin't know what to do with the money and everybody in the village asked him for some. So he decided to disappear and donate the money, little by little to the village. But he had keeps a little treasure for the children who discovered it, that was a place, hidden behind Allariz waterfall.